Donate for clean water

And against microplastic pollution in our environment

Your donation helps to reduce plastic pollution of oceans and drinking water. Microplastics and pollutants such as PFAS - also known as Forever Chemicals - are an omnipresent threat to the health of all living things. Although their research is still in its infancy, they are already suspected of damaging entire ecosystems and promoting diseases such as cancer.

With your contribution, you are taking preventive action by enabling us to prevent unwanted inputs into the environment through education and awareness programs as well as research into new technologies.

By the way:

Donations are fully tax deductible. Up to the limit of 200 euros per year, the submission of the account statement to the tax office is sufficient (Section 50 (2) No. 2 letter b EStDV), from contributions over 200 euros per year, we are happy to issue a donation receipt. This will be sent to you in January of the following year. To receive a donation receipt, please include your address in the purpose.

For a direct bank transfer, please use our account information:

Name of the bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank
IBAN: DE 67 6005 0101 0405 3293 55
Account holder: Wasser 3.0 gemeinnützige GmbH

Stop Microplastics

Microplastics and micropollutants are so problematic because they are often too small to be effectively filtered out of wastewater. As a result, they enter the environment and are now almost everywhere, from Arctic sea ice to soil and air.

This is why basic research at the beginning of the problem - the entry of pollutants into water in private households and industry - is particularly important. As a non-profit limited company, we work on methods and processes that help industry and the wastewater sector to filter out pollutants and plastics before they are returned to the natural water cycle.

As a non-profit company, we use your donations to develop and publicize more efficient solutions against microplastics. The treatment of water is an important contribution that individual players can make to tackling the problem. After all, today's wastewater is tomorrow's drinking water.

More education for more clean water

Education is another important pillar for clean water in the future. That is why we are committed to education and information on water cycles and pollutants. Your donation will help.

In this way, we can reach people around the world with modern, virtual educational spaces and raise awareness of this problem. This results in more sustainable behavior, but also new ideas and innovations.

© Copyright Wasser 3.0 - adapted from Freepik (lizensiert)

Clean oceans and clean drinking water

Microplastics in the world's oceans are a recurring topic, as larger quantities of plastic also break down into microplastics in the oceans. These tiny particles end up back on our tables via the food chain through fish and shellfish.

Education and removal processes that reduce the input into the sea help to break this cycle. Groundwater or bank filtrate, which is extracted from drinking water, can also contain microplastics.

Education, awareness raising and responsible research are an important key to enabling a microplastic-free diet.

Support our way to achieve clean water for all!

More news in our blog

17. July 2024

Impact of microplastics on wildlife

Microplastics are a pervasive environmental pollutant affecting wildlife, ecosystem, and human health. Microplastics can be consumed at all trophic levels and transmitted along the food chain, resulting in numerous long-term detrimental impacts on wildlife and ecosystems across the world. The amount of research investigating such impacts has been increasing over the years. We have gone through recent, state of the art research that has been done on microplastic impacts on wildlife in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, and summarize some of the main points in this blog. (Micro)plastic pollution is a complex global issue, affecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health around the world. Understanding the inputs and fluxes of microplastic pollution across environmental compartments and ecosystems provides a critical foundation for effective policymaking and environmental management. By taking action against (micro)plastic pollution and transitioning towards a more sustainable and circular economy, numerous potentials and advantages can be identified, including measurable contributions towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
1. July 2024

Global Water Challenge Award 2024

Under the auspices of the EU Green Week, the Water Innovation Europe Awards 2024 were presented on the first day of Water Innovation Europe 2024. At the ceremony with more than 260 participants, five innovators and their groundbreaking solutions in the water sector were the center of attention. And we were right in the middle of it all!
24. June 2024

Microplastics and Textiles – a state description

One of the main sources of direct microplastic entry into the environment is through the wearing and washing of synthetic textiles. This accounts for approximately 35% of the microplastics entering the global marine environment every year, amounting to between 200,000 and 500,000 tonnes. There are multiple pathways and options to target the unintentional release of microplastics from textiles, from the design through to the use and disposal, that must be considered. The European Commission has identified the textile value chain as a key priority in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and proposed key actions and measures that are set to be finalized by the end of this year. This blog will provide an overview of issues related to the synthetic textiles, the proposed pathways to target unintentional microplastic release, along with the associated challenges that must be addressed.