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The works in the following picture galleries are licensed under a Creative Commons – Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-ND 4.0) . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to use our contact form.

Information boards: From everyday helper to environmental problem

You can download a complete view of all the individual information boards here.

You can also ask us for the high-resolution version so that you can print out the information boards directly for your event or lessons.

Infotafel 1 EN
Infotafel 3 EN
Infotafel 4 EN
Vom Alltagshelfer zum Umweltproblem

Graphics on polymers, plastics, plastic and microplastics

This section provides you with an overview of all freely available graphics. Please note the usage and copyright information. Before using other graphics from our website, please contact us for approval. 

Definitions and properties: polymers, plastics, plastic and microplastics

Definition of Microplastics
Overview of polymers in the environment
Overview of polymers in the environment
Behaviour of Plastics in Water
Behaviour of plastics in water
Polymers, Plastics, Microplastics: Where does the regulation start?
Polymers, plastics, microplastics: where does regulation start when it comes to environmental protection?
Circular Economy
Rethinking the economy - What is the circular economy?

Microplastics in the environment

Entry pathways of microplastics into and distribution in the environment
Entry pathways of microplastics into and distribution in the environment
Distribution pathways of microplastics in the environment
Distribution pathways of microplastics in the environment
Distribution pathways of microplastics through tire and road abrasion
Distribution pathways of microplastics through tire and road abrasion
Microplastics in soils
Microplastics in soils
Atmospheric Microplastics - Microplastics in the Air
Atmospheric Microplastics
Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants
Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants
Microplastics in our environment: united in water
Microplastics in our environment - united in water

Plastics in our environment

How does the plastic get to the sea?
The 10 most common types of plastic waste in inland waters
The 10 most common types of plastic waste in inland waters
Distribution of plastic waste in the sea
Distribution of plastic waste in the sea
Single-use plastics in the sea
Single-use plastics in the sea

Microplastics and health

Effects of microplastics on our health
Effects of microplastics on our health
Effects of microplastics on the animal world
Effects of microplastics on wildlife

Microplastics in everyday life

Microplastics and cosmetics
Microplastics and soluble polymers
Microplastics and soluble polymers
Microplastics and textiles
Microplastics release from textiles
Microplastics and washing maschine
Microplastics and washing maschine
Microplastics and washing maschine
Microplastics and washing maschine

Fact check

Knowledge Database - Special PFAS
Knowledge Database - Special Phosphonates

Explanatory videos

Teaser Video EN

Further information