Wastewater as a resource - technology and digitalisation are key

Utilising wastewater directly as a resource for the circular economy represents a paradigm shift for water management, especially industrial wastewater treatment. Realising potential begins with data collection, data analysis and the development of solutions.

In the field of reutilisation and recycling management, we research and develop solutions that make the hidden resources in wastewater more usable, while at the same time saving water and improving water quality.

Digitization: From data to action | © Wasser 3.0

Wastewater and resource efficiency: a look at the Global North

The huge increase in urbanisation and economic activity is increasingly forcing urban areas to improve their wastewater services. As many elements of wastewater infrastructure have a lifespan of 50 to 100 years or even longer, the decisions made today have long-term implications and therefore need to be based on future rather than current or past scenarios.

To realise the potential for improved sustainability, the industry needs to fundamentally change its approaches and assumptions to managing wastewater resources, including the creation of much-needed new wastewater systems and the incorporation of digitization.

Resource recovery is currently not easy to realise. This is partly due to the fact that emerging concepts and methods are part of a complex integrated approach in which water reuse, nutrient recycling and energy production are to be embedded in infrastructure that was not developed for these multiple purposes.

Furthermore, wastewater service systems often function in isolation and rarely take into account factors and influences beyond the traditional technical domain.

Wastewater as a resource
Wastewater as a resource

Rethinking wastewater - using digitalisation

Supply principle is the guiding principle of water management

For years, the wastewater industry has been confronted with continuous changes in the concentrations of micropollutants in water. If you take the Water Framework Directive, the overriding goal of water quality management is to ensure good water quality in European surface and groundwater bodies (EU Directive 2000/60 / EC).

In many places, however, the pollution of the different bodies of water is so high that the required “good chemical status” of surface water is currently not achieved in more than half of the area. The influence of the oceans as sinks, for example, must also be considered here (EU Directive 2008/105 / EC and Directive 91/676 / EC) and included in the evaluations.

In addition, the precautionary principle is anchored in many international conventions such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the OSPAR Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic. At the national (German) level, the federal government is following developments in the area of the precautionary principle as part of the “federal digitization strategy”.

For the area of water management, the areas and fields of activity described in the following graphic as well as levels of action regarding the achievement of the sustainability goals were described.

Digitization action in Germany | © Wasser 3.0

Digitalisation and the use of artificial intelligence

Our research approaches combine scientifically collected data with practicable recommendations for action, so that values generated from data and digital methods (machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI)) can be deployed and used in a targeted manner.

The requirements for the purification performance of sewage treatment plants result directly from the requirements of water protection. The high level of wastewater treatment has contributed significantly to improving the water quality of the waters by reducing the water pollution with carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus, but the complexity of pollution and the limitations of the cleaning services are constantly increasing.

In addition to water protection, topics such as energy efficiency and the consideration of wastewater as a valuable resource source (NEW approach: nutrient - energy - water recycling from wastewater) are just as important as minimizing the ecological footprint by further removing anthropogenic pollution with potentially adverse effects from the water.

A process control system of a sewage treatment plant per se provides high data quality in monitoring (hydrometry, operational management, etc.). Complemented by big data using low-cost sensors, real-time monitoring, networking, and surveillance, they provide the playground for AI experts and solution researchers like us.

The problem that unstructured collections of data can no longer be tamed with conventional IT infrastructure can be solved by using big data (data science / data analytics). For this purpose, the large amounts of data are collected and sorted and analyzed using methods of artificial intelligence, machine learning and practical expert knowledge. Values emerge from data.

More news in our blog

17. June 2024

Understanding of water vs reality

Get up in the morning, drink a glass of tap water, make coffee or tea, take a quick shower, brush your teeth, do your laundry, cook and so on. We need water - for everything. Water is a fundamental and natural part of our lives. Without clean water, we cannot live, we cannot survive. But the image of crystal clear water is becoming clouded. More and more pollutants, more bad news. How should we deal with water as the basis of life in the future?
16. April 2024

EU Urban Wastewater Directive adopted in April

The EU Urban Wastewater Directive (UWWTD for short) was adopted by the European Parliament at the beginning of April 2024. Among other things, it aims to remove microplastics and micropollutants from our wastewater and increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in a cost-effective manner. The keywords here are also: Resource conservation, water quality, circular economy, energy efficiency and sustainability. But what is the roadmap for this? We have taken the Wasser 3.0 perspective.
8. April 2024

Our blog about water without microplastics

We want to stop the uncontrolled pollution of our water with microplastics and micropollutants. In our blog posts, we describe step by step why it is high time to do so and how we want to achieve this. We focus on current information and always keep an eye on the latest opinions and curiosities.