Global Map of Microplastics

When data becomes action - Standardized data collection thanks to standardized microplastics analysis

Microplastics are an ever-growing problem for our rivers, lakes, and oceans. Their small size makes them a huge problem.  Since plastic is not biodegradable, it breaks down into smaller and smaller particles due to environmental influences and eventually ends up everywhere - including in the food chain.

For example, microplastics contained in cosmetic products,  or released when washing clothes made of synthetic fibers, cannot be filtered out of the water in sewage treatment plants and thus end up in our rivers, lakes and oceans - and ultimately in our bodies when we eat marine animals (seafood) that have ingested microplastics as they have mistaken them for algae or plankton. Due to the fact, that microplastics is present everywhere – in water, air, and soil, we eat, drink, and breathe microplastics – everyday.

With an estimated ingestion of nearly 1,800 particles per week, humans ingest the most microplastics through drinking water. We don't believe these estimates and prefare working with real data. Standardized & comprehensible.

Searching for clues: Where are the hotspots of microplastics in the environment?

But the big question remains: Where are the hotspots? And what concentrations are we talking about here?

In the future, the Global Map of Microplastics will provide answers to these questions. For the first time, users will be able to see the type and intensity of microplastic pollution in bodies of water on an interactive map and contribute to data collection themselves.

The Global Map of Microplastics is a collaborative interaction from our educational area WASoMI and our current research in microplastics detection. Here, we connect the different worlds, engage all stakeholders, dive into different types of water, and come up with solutions for water without microplastics. Get your analysis kit for the Global Map of Microplastics or donate today for more data points.

LIVE: Global Map of Microplastics

Everyone can contribute data points from their immediate surroundings to the Global Map of Microplastics. Our app will make this data collection and data visualization possible from 2024. And everyone can become part of the solution with our analytics kit.

More news in our blog

17. July 2024

Impact of microplastics on wildlife

Microplastics are a pervasive environmental pollutant affecting wildlife, ecosystem, and human health. Microplastics can be consumed at all trophic levels and transmitted along the food chain, resulting in numerous long-term detrimental impacts on wildlife and ecosystems across the world. The amount of research investigating such impacts has been increasing over the years. We have gone through recent, state of the art research that has been done on microplastic impacts on wildlife in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, and summarize some of the main points in this blog. (Micro)plastic pollution is a complex global issue, affecting ecosystems, wildlife, and human health around the world. Understanding the inputs and fluxes of microplastic pollution across environmental compartments and ecosystems provides a critical foundation for effective policymaking and environmental management. By taking action against (micro)plastic pollution and transitioning towards a more sustainable and circular economy, numerous potentials and advantages can be identified, including measurable contributions towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
1. July 2024

Global Water Challenge Award 2024

Under the auspices of the EU Green Week, the Water Innovation Europe Awards 2024 were presented on the first day of Water Innovation Europe 2024. At the ceremony with more than 260 participants, five innovators and their groundbreaking solutions in the water sector were the center of attention. And we were right in the middle of it all!
24. June 2024

Microplastics and Textiles – a state description

One of the main sources of direct microplastic entry into the environment is through the wearing and washing of synthetic textiles. This accounts for approximately 35% of the microplastics entering the global marine environment every year, amounting to between 200,000 and 500,000 tonnes. There are multiple pathways and options to target the unintentional release of microplastics from textiles, from the design through to the use and disposal, that must be considered. The European Commission has identified the textile value chain as a key priority in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and proposed key actions and measures that are set to be finalized by the end of this year. This blog will provide an overview of issues related to the synthetic textiles, the proposed pathways to target unintentional microplastic release, along with the associated challenges that must be addressed.