EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
26. January 2023
News about Micropastics Detection
17. February 2023The undreamt-of potential behind "a lack of regulations" on microplastics - or the question: Why early action is crucial.
In the November 2022 issue of Smart Water Magazine, we summarized our opinion on the topic, "Microplastics – a global environmental problem - what now?". Our founder and managing director Dr. Katrin Schuhen wrote an article on this topic with a focus on the undreamt-of potential for water without microplastics and micropollutants.
Smart Water Magazine is a cross-media trade magazine for the international water sector. It has been published for 10 years and offers regular information in the form of interviews, articles, and news, supplemented by a blog, where the "Who's Who" of experts in the water sector report on their personal experiences, concepts, or solutions on all relevant water topics.
The fact that we are still only discussing limit values for microplastics and many micropollutants without implementing them is extremely short-sighted and negligent
Our opinion piece highlights the current situation of microplastics in the environment, rivers, and oceans. Current measured values and reliable key figures are rare. The fact is that as long as we are still openly discussing limit values for microplastics and micropollutants worldwide, this in no way represents behavior suitable for grandchildren.
Especially now, as microplastics are firmly anchored in the international public consciousness as an environmental problem and have become an economically interesting topic within the standpoint of a circular economy. Avoiding plastic and microplastics is both the safest solution and the top priority for us – now and in the future.
With Wasser 3.0 PE-X®, we have developed an efficient, cost-effective, and circular technology solution for water without microplastics and micropollutants. With our holistic approach, Wasser 3.0 detect | remove | reuse, we have set new standards for environmental and health protection in wastewater treatment.
This is because it can be used as part of a 4th purification stage in wastewater treatment plants and in other pollution scenarios that involve industrial wastewater, surface water, or seawater – as a stand-alone solution or integrated into existing processes. Further, the adaptability, scalability, and low operating costs make this modular concept future-proof.
With Wasser 3.0 PE-X®, green chemistry and green technology meet according to the "clump & skim" principle. The result is microplastic-fixing particle growth combined with easy separation.
As a non-profit limited company, our mission is water without microplastics and micropollutants through responsible research and environmentally friendly innovation in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition to further developing and scaling our technology, we also focus on innovation transfer of our research work and view our educational projects as a key element for innovation, higher ethical standards, and sustainable action. We are not a classic GreenTech start-up, but a non-profit limited liability company that reinvests 100 percent of the profits from research and industry projects directly back into new research and education projects.
To be able to continue our research and education for water without microplastics and micropollutants in the future, we continue to rely on donations and the participation of sponsors. Support us in this work with your donation, your financial commitment, or your cooperation with us.