1. July 2024

Global Water Challenge Award 2024

Under the auspices of the EU Green Week, the Water Innovation Europe Awards 2024 were presented on the first day of Water Innovation Europe 2024. At the ceremony with more than 260 participants, five innovators and their groundbreaking solutions in the water sector were the center of attention. And we were right in the middle of it all!
17. June 2024

Understanding of water vs reality

Get up in the morning, drink a glass of tap water, make coffee or tea, take a quick shower, brush your teeth, do your laundry, cook and so on. We need water - for everything. Water is a fundamental and natural part of our lives. Without clean water, we cannot live, we cannot survive. But the image of crystal clear water is becoming clouded. More and more pollutants, more bad news. How should we deal with water as the basis of life in the future?
16. April 2024

EU Urban Wastewater Directive adopted in April

The EU Urban Wastewater Directive (UWWTD for short) was adopted by the European Parliament at the beginning of April 2024. Among other things, it aims to remove microplastics and micropollutants from our wastewater and increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in a cost-effective manner. The keywords here are also: Resource conservation, water quality, circular economy, energy efficiency and sustainability. But what is the roadmap for this? We have taken the Wasser 3.0 perspective.
2. February 2024

Microplastics in industrial wastewater

Steigende gesetzliche Regulationen für Polymere, Kunststoffe und Mikroplastik, hohe Kosten für Wasser, Abfälle, Energie, Chemikalien und die Instandhaltung von Anlagen sowie komplexe Verschmutzungsszenarien - Unternehmen, die in ihren Prozessen viel Wasser, Polymere und weitere Chemikalien einsetzen, stehen vor der Herausforderung ihr Umwelt-, Abfall- und Ressourcenmanagements neu auszurichten. Mit dem Verfahren Wasser 3.0 PE-X® steht erstmals eine adaptive Komplettlösung für ein nachhaltiges und kosteneffizientes Sustainability Upgrade für die industrielle Wasserbehandlung zur Verfügung. Der Schwerpunkt des Verfahrens, das auf Green Chemistry, low-tech Anlagen und kreislaufwirtschaftliche Prozesse setzt, liegt in der Entfernung von Mikroplastik. Bei geringen Anschaffungs- und Betriebskosten verbessern sich dabei nicht nur die Wasserqualität, sondern auch Ressourcennutzung, Abfallaufkommen und Energieverbrauch.
19. January 2024

Forever Chemicals – PFAS (Part 2)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – synthetic “forever chemicals” – have become a substantial and pervasive global challenge. They have managed to infiltrate diverse ecosystems, contaminate water sources, and accumulate in human bodies. They are incredibly persistent and have significant adverse effects on both human health and the environment. Acting now to unravel the complexity of the PFAS problem and implement effective solutions is critical to prevent further accumulation in the environment and secure a healthier future for generations to come. Part two of our PFAS blog series will address the health risks associated with PFAS and the EU’s recently proposed restriction.
5. July 2023

Forever Chemicals – PFAS (Part 1)

Non-stick pans, waterproof clothing, food packaging – within all these products lie toxic “forever” chemicals called PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). These synthetic chemicals are used in various industries for their water-, stain- and grease-resistant properties, but contaminate the air, water, and soil along the entire value chain. They have been detected everywhere from human blood and organs, groundwater, marine animals, wildlife, rain, and remote regions of the Arctic. Because of their high persistence, they can take thousands of years to degrade and thus accumulate in the environment. Combined with their toxicity, high mobility, accumulation in organisms (bioaccumulation and -magnification), they are a major concern as environmental pollutants. The EU has recently released its proposal for a PFAS ban. In our two-part blog, we get to the bottom of the issue.
3. May 2023

Washing Maschines as a Source of Microplastics?!

Washing synthetic textiles releases large amounts of microplastics into the environment every day worldwide. This is why France is introducing mandatory microplastic filters for new washing machines beginning in 2025. But just how effective are such filters? And is this the most effective approach moving forwards? This blog post covers how microplastics are formed during washing, which factors influence their formation, the reduction and prevention strategies which currently exist, and potential solutions.