18. December 2024

More than just the Planet Hero Award

The Planet Hero Award is the flagship of Zurich Germany. Wasser 3.0 was among the award winners in 2021 and since then, they have been making a measurable impact for more water without microplastics. We look back at what we have achieved in recent years and look to the future. 
12. December 2024

Educational project „WASoMI Lab“ launched

With the help of start-up funding from the E.ON Climate Fund of the E.ON Foundation, we are getting started with our educational project WASoMI Lab. We are creating an indoor and outdoor learning space for water without microplastics. That's what it's all about.
9. September 2024

Microplastic Analytics: EU plans are not enough

With the revised EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, many wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) will finally be required to monitor microplastic levels – but only twice per year for those serving > 150,000 population equivalents (p.e.) and only once per year for smaller WWTPs. The question remains – is this sufficient? The answer: NO! How do we know this?
27. August 2024

‘Rebel of the water’ in stores from October

More and more droughts, more and more pollution, more and more corrupt exploitation. Our water is more endangered than we realise. There is bad news wherever you look. But in between there is a glimmer of hope – an encouragement. A new non-fiction book ‘Rebellin des Wassers’ will be published in October and is the first book by Dr Katrin Schuhen. More in our blog.
15. August 2024

Microplastic removal saves water, energy, and costs

Increasing legal regulations for polymers, plastics and microplastics, high costs for water, waste, energy, chemicals, and plant maintenance, as well as complex pollution scenarios - companies that use a lot of water, polymers and other chemicals in their processes are facing the challenge of realigning their environmental, waste and resource management. Wasser 3.0 PE-X® is an adaptive and complete solution for a sustainable and cost-efficient sustainability upgrade for industrial water treatment. Read our blog to find out how it works.
8. August 2024

Everyday helper: Water bottle

Auf dem Rad, beim Laufen, beim Fußball, oder als Begleiter für unterwegs. Die Kunststoffflasche ist vom Sport und aus unserem Alltag kaum wegzudenken. Fast auf jeden Foto von Athlet:innen, nicht nur Olympia, Weltmeisterschaften, sondern auch bei Jedermannrennen, im Fitnessstudio oder am Strand zu finden, ist das Versorgungsmedium unseres Körper mit Elektrolyten und Flüssigkeit. Auch mit anderen Schadstoffen? Vergleichende Daten zum Thema Mikroplastik fehlen bisher. Wir haben uns dem Thema angenommen, dass so von Marketingseite vieler Unternehmen gepushed wird und klären auf.
27. July 2024

Microplastics and human health

Microplastics have been detected in human blood, lungs, and the placenta of unborn babies. Widespread exposure of humans to microplastics is undeniable. Understanding the impacts of microplastics (< 5 mm) and nano-plastics (< 1 µm) on environmental and human health and the identification of critical thresholds and characterization of hazards, are thus important steps towards effective microplastic management. But thresholds on micro- and nano-plastic concentrations to prevent health-related hazards are difficult to determine, due to their diverse physical and chemical characteristics, and the variety of mechanisms associated with their toxicological effects. This article looks at where our knowledge of microplastic impacts on human health currently stands, and the challenges faced.
17. July 2024

Impact of microplastics on wildlife

Microplastics are a pervasive environmental pollutant affecting wildlife, ecosystem, and human health. Microplastics can be consumed at all trophic levels and transmitted along the food chain, resulting in numerous long-term detrimental impacts on wildlife and ecosystems across the world. The amount of research investigating such impacts has been increasing over the years. We have gone through recent, state of the art research that has been done on microplastic impacts on wildlife in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, and summarize some of the main points in this blog.