29. September 2021

Microplastics, Green Deal and regulations

On October 5, Katrin Schuhen is live at the event R(H)EINE LIEBE: WIE BEKÄMPFEN WIR (MIKRO)PLASTIK IN DER EU? She will provide insights into our work and, as a PhD polymer chemist and microplastics expert, will be available for questions and discussion. We are particularly excited about the political aspects in this exchange, we have only recently dealt intensively with laws and regulations on microplastics. We summarized our findings in an article published last week. More...
5. August 2021

Educational Project Team WASoMI started

The Deutsche Postcode Lotterie funds our interactive educational project Team WASoMI with 70.000 EUR! We cordially thank the participants of the Deutsche Postcode Lotterie, its advisory board and charity department for this great support - and get started! More about our project and goals...
25. April 2021

A strategy against microplastics: detect | remove | reuse

Our holistic strategy for dealing with microplastics and micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, PFAS and heavy metals in water is called detect | remove | reuse. In this article, we describe what lies behind it and the extent to which it opens up new ways for water treatment.