Today's World Water Day is all about the value of water. What is the value of wastewater? If we look at it as a resource, perhaps much more than we would assume so far.
Perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) are anthropogenic organic compounds with very unique and useful properties, e.g. surfactant properties and immense stability. These substances are nowadays widely used in many industrial and consumer products. Analytical methods show limitations, a new derivatization method could help.
The next great news reached us on Friday. Our Wasser 3.0 PE-X® process for removing microplastics from water is labelled with as Solar Impulse Efficient Solution! This blog post is therefore about the label, the foundation behind it and its visionary founder Bertrand Piccard.
The next great news this January reached us on Friday. Our Wasser 3.0 PE-X® process for removing microplastics from water is now the proud holder of the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label! This blog post is all about the label, the foundation behind it and its visionary founder Bertrand Piccard.
Access to clean water and sanitation has been a human right since 2010. In our latest blog we focus on the question, how to deal with water - human right or economic good?
Our lakes and rivers, our ocean and our groundwater are in many places not in a good condition. More concretely: In health-threatening conditions for all life that comes into contact with it. All over the world, people suffer from too much or too little water. We dare to start.
Tomorrow we are going to be in the final of Get in the Ring - Impact! During the battles to reach the grand final next year in The Hague, the question keeps coming up how Impact Investment and a non-profit organization like ours can fit. In this blog post we write about our thoughts and attitudes towards Impact Investment for water without microplastics and micropollutants.
Fresh water, seawater, groundwater, surface water, drinking water, process water - to name just a few types of water. In our new blog post, we describe why we prefer to talk about waters, not water.